Sun 05 Jan
It's The Perfect Day To Come Warm Up And Relax With A Body Rub! **$65** 816-408-0450 AVAILABLE NOW! - 23
(Kansas City)
Hey gentlemen are you looking for the hottie with the body ? Well here I am look no further ... - 30
(Kansas City, south Kansas city)
🍒💜♥ ((Lacey)) ✨💎👑 {{HoT BLONDE w bOOty!}} 💖💜�#1 WeLL Reviewed! � - 35
(Kansas City, Kci airport in/out)
It Felt So Dirty And Forbidden To Rub Against Him Nearly Out Of Control With Need For More Sensation - 34
(Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri)
IM what you been looking n get It boys..Highly recommended.. Call Sara now801 7089814 $VIP$$ - 28
(Kansas City, travel to your location)
Exotic Mixed Beautiful Young Lady Now Available - New on BP - 21
(St Louis - Central West End, Central West End)
If you think no one cares if you're dead or alive miss a couple of credit card payments. - 47
(Kansas City, Lamar/I-35)
EaRlY WknD AfFaiR StaRtS nOw! MuTuaL MaSsaGe AvAil W/ ShOweR! AsK aBout mY { SPIDER MASSAGE } - 23
(Kansas City, South Overland Park)
✴💋 Busty & LUSTY LaDy💋✴ Taking Early Mornin Gents💯 - 38
(Kansas City, MY PLACE or YouRs close to ,CoRp Woods)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR__ NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION* 816*216*2905 - 24
(Kansas City, South KC Incall)
Classic Massage Therapist ... Upscale Outcall Hotel Services ... Fabulous! - 40
(Kansas City, Kansas City / Overland Park)
Classy Body Rubs -Relaxing Body Rub With Jen $80.00 - 42
(Kansas City, Lees Summit and overland park ks)
❝ʜᎧτ chicK ✫ busTy ✬ BrUNNeTe ✫ aLL NuDE ✬ FuᏞᏞ boᎠᎽ mᎪssᎪᎶᎬ ✫ MuTuaL TouCH✬$80 SPECIAL❞ - 34
(Kansas City, ★{NKC/CASINO AREA}★)
Connection Intimacy Sensual Touch!! Be Good To Yourself!! Treat Yourself To Real Pampering!! - 24
(Hosting In Kansas City, Kansas City)
BlkJockMasseur Providing Exclusive Massages For Elite Professional Males - 26
(291/Independence, Kansas City)
* @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * BODY TO BODY AIRPORT SPECIAL * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * - 20
(Kansas City, KCI Airport - near Barry Rd)
❤❤FIRE FACE❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤VERY SEDUCTIVE ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ SexY & DiScReeT ❤❤ - 25
(Kansas City, Westport, near plaza)
FOR OUR mutual pleasure KISSING is a must, busty and BEAUTIFUL 785-580-7273 new pics - 35
(435 south, Kansas City)
Experience an unforgetable moment with a smart, sexy, sophisticated woman..... - 21
(South KC... Outcalls too)
Daisy Dukes! KC's Sweetheart 💋💋 $100 INCALL SPECIALS - 30
(Kansas City, Incall SOUTH or HWY 70 DOWNTOWN)
-:¦:- Bet My Hands Are Better Than The Girl B4 Me! -:¦: $75 M@ss@ge SPEC!@L!!! - 26
($75 Incall Special (&Outs;)609/464-8260)
Alone In A H0t Tub You Sl¡de Your H@nds Up My Th¡ghs Untying The Str¡ngs On The Sides Of My Bikini. - 34
(Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri)
Who Want's To Get Up And Drive Back Home After Having A Relaxing Massage?Not U?Then Call Me - 45
(Out Call)
3 in 1 Combination... Sexxi * Exotic * & Hott Specials ... Its your time to play! - 22
(Kansas City, Overland Park Home)
$$$ 99 or 150 vip TastyTuesday with Notty NURSE Big Boob specials 816-977-8774 - 35
(Kansas City, near downtown- private incall)
💋💋💋💋 A Sweetness You Won't Forget 💋💋💋 100% NuDe BoDy RuBs & FBSM 💋 OUTCALLS ONLY !! HIGHLY REVIEWED & VIDEO 100% REAL ❌⭕️❌⭕️ - 39
❤ $100$ ❤,,,,,, LeT MY AMaZiNG SKiLLs-! & UnBeLiEVaBLe TaLeNTS-! MaKe YoU MeLT-!!! ,,,,,,❤ $100$ ❤ - 27
(Kansas City, SKC 435/71hwy Easy Access Safe Discrete)
💋💋💋💋💋A Sweetness You Won't Forget!! Nude body Rubs !!! 24/7 OUTCALLS ONLY!!!💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 - 38
(Kansas City, MO/KS OUTCALLS !!)
$$80 or vip 150 Sensual body and PRO_ST_ATE massage performed by nice & sexy woman 816-977-8774 - 35
(Kansas City, MY PRIVATE HOME east of 435)
✈️✈️ You Can Expect the Best ... An Upscale Hotel Outcall Massage Service ... FABULOUS!! ✈️✈️ - 43
(Kansas City, Metro)