Sun 05 Jan
★ _T _H _E ☆ _F _U _N _ ★ S _T _A _R _T S ☆ H_ E _R _ E_ ★ - 23
(Kansas City, Incall/outcall (mins from plaza))
STUNNING Irish, Serbian ~ N ~ Souix Indian Mixx *(*(*(*(*(* Catch Me While You Can *)*)*)*)*)*
♨SMOKIN' HOT!♨ ✭✮❝Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere!❞✭✮ - 26
(Kansas City, incall skc)
▅ STunNiNg ReDHEAd plaYMatE yOUR #1 chOICE $1oo SPEciALS COmE ChecK ME OuT - 20
(Kansas City, K/a/n/s/a/s CItY)
SPECIALS* Experience With CLASS* Mornin Noon & Nite 24/7* GREAT AIR!* LETs have Fun*Keeping It REAL - 43
(St. Louis, Metro East close to 255& 270 Granit)
Come see me this Sat All day and night I'm back in and out hot hot hot chick beautiful brunette! - 25
(North kc worlds of fun)
SeXy ThIck PlAyMaTe & fr!enD •♥• A SpeCi@L Tre@t •♥• $pEcIAls •AVailABle NOw!!! - 24
(Kansas City, midtown IN/OUT)
specials . SEDUCTUVE SHASHA unforgetable experenice 816 372 72 76 - 20
(Kansas City, downtown kansas city INCALLS and outcall)
【se×y lil LaTe NiTe trEAt】◄═❥【NawTy SUPERfRᎬAK】◄═❥【CerTiFieÐ to SņiSFy】◄═❥【LOADs of FUN】◄═❥【$99 HH】 - 34
(Kansas City, ♥NORTH/CASINO AREA♥)
ღʜoτ chicKღ ➝ ღbiG τitsღ ➝ ღsoft LíPsღ ➝ ღɪʀɪsʜღ ➝ ღRoUND BoTToMღ ➝ ღfrEAkyღ ➝ ღvery cuteღ ➝ ღ$99HHღ - 34
(Kansas City, 🎈AIRPORT/Zona Rosa/Tiffany Springs🎈)
New Year's Out Call Specials 💋 BEST @$$ in KC! ((::V€®¡Fi€D::)) Its ME or it's FREE!! - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
[{ NEW IN TOWN }] ::* DR!P!NG WT & RADY TO §AT!SF!Y *:*:: [{ 34DD Kinky Russian Kitten }] - 19
(The Plaza - Upscale)
🎥🎥Let Me Be Your ✖✖✖ Movie 🌟 Star Dirty Daytime &Erotic; Evenings $90 Outcall Specials🎥🎥 - 35
(Kansas City, KS/MO Outcall Only Your Place 24/7)
♚* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *♚* H◯T ⇉ [[spaNKaBℓε αSS 💋💋[[120hhr]] - 21
(Kansas City, incalls & outcalls)
I've got SPECIALS for a Limited Time ONLY 🎰 Why gamble ? 🎰 When I'm a sure WIN! - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
║█║★≋ Hot Blonde Bombshell!! ►►(( Early AM SPECIALS! )) ◄◄ HoT JuiCY bOOtY! ★ ║█║ - 32
(Kansas City, KCI AIRPORT , Zona Rosa IN/OUT)
Exotic Puertorican $100HHR $130Hour Call for special - 23
(Kansas City, Kc metro area (KANSAS CITY KS AREA ONLY))
*Call Now*=Specials NOW! 816-651-8186=im a SEXY CURVY BLONDE Come have FUN with ME 24/7 IN & outcall - 25
(downtown incall outcall available, Kansas City)
..-:¦:-*~ B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:~ ¥ Õ U R ~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*¦:-*~ Ð ® € Â M § ~*..-:¦:- - 21
(Kansas City, Out Calls Only)
❥❥Amazing Mature Lady Enjoy Life Come & Play with a kinky Curvaceous Beauty ❥❥ 913 605 6934❥❥ - 99
(Cool chic ready to play in call my place, Kansas City)
A !$ SE$&CR;$&ET; & YOU& w$&ILl; K$ⅇ$P 100$& specials¡! - 22
(Kansas City, North kansas city Missouri)
$70 hh specials ((SeE WhY tHeY sAy Im ThE BEST ((HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ))) D€finit€Ly A Cla§§iC!!~*~ - 24
(Kansas City, kcmo incall outcall)
(( $100 SPECIALS! )) ▒ ╠╣OT █▒ NEW ▒▒█ ♥S—E— X—Y ♥█▒ BLONDE █▒ █▒ BOMBSHELL █▒ 100% Real Pics! - 32
(Kansas City, KCI AIRPORT IN/OUT!)
^$100 SpeCiAls^ Your #1 choice!.*¨¨* Exsquisitely STuNNiNG RedHead - 20
(Kansas City, K/a/n/s/a/s CItY)
#1 rule anything goes no girl can compare queen Becky well reviewed and verified - 26
(Kansas City, North near the Ameristar casino resort)
▒ SwEeT & SeDuCt!vE ©ⓤⓣⓘⓔ❤ⓟⓘⓔ █ ρяєttуƒяσm ĤĔÁĎ.✧ŤŐ:✧ŤŐĔ. █★ BuSty Brunette ⓑⓤⓝⓝⓨ★▒▒✰1OO% яëⓐĹ✰██ - 20
(Kansas City, In Call Specials Call Now .... SKC)
💗💞💗UpSCaLE •BUSTY • ReViEWeD •—(🔥 SMoKIN HoT BoMBSHeLL🔥) —•5-STAR K.u.m Get A Dose! NEW In Town - 24
(Kansas City, 💋 Incall & Outcall 💋 NEW!!)
The Best of the Best ***☆☆ SPECIALS ALL DAY ☆☆ *** Sexy , Soft & Independent ! ☆☆☆☆♡ - 24
(Kansas City, kc surrounding areas/in call specials)
TakE A loOK at THIs WoW StUnNiNg blUe EyEd ExOtiC ReDHeAd!! **1oo$ SpEcIaLs** - 20
(Kansas City, K/a/n/s/a/s CItY)
WoW °Sexy° ° stuNNINg °° °PLaYMAtE° ^1oo$ SpEcIaLs^ The HotTESt ReDheaD # 1 ChOiCe - 20
(Kansas City, K/a/n/s/a/s CItY)
(`'•.:*:.•'`) WENSDAY • NIGHT • SPECIALS .:*:. CALL NOW FOR THE *BEST*!!! (`'•.:*:.•'`) - 24
(Kansas City, kc,MO)
Up24hr NEW!!! *° IF SHE IS GOOD *° THEN *° I AM BETTER *° FETISH2.. - 21
Specials specials Specials , Any location, for these Candy Apple sensasions - 25
(Kansas City, All locations kansas & missouri)
★: *¨¨*SweeT As HeAven *¨¨* ★:*¨¨* NaUgH.tee As He_LL ★SPECIALS *¨¨*★ - 20
(Kansas City, kansas city mo)
(SuP€r • FR€AKY Back In town Latina&Black; ♥DoLL ~FaC€d~ CuT¡€ ♥OUTCALL ONLY 100+ - 21
(Kansas City)
🌈 St Patrick's Day might be over but you can still🍀🍀GET LUCKY!!🍀🍀 with this Curvy Irish Cutie🌈 - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
PARIS is Running ** S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S ** Today ONLY... Call NOW (( Im WET~N~Ready )) - 24
SPECIALS end Sunday at midnight! 💋 Sexy and Skilled💋 Best @$$ in KC 🐇 Jessica Rabbit 💋 - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
~~~~ Starr ~~~~~ Juicy & Refreshing FOR A HOT SUMMER DAY IN & OUT SPECIALS NOW!!!!! - 20
( SuPr Sx¥ ) D0LL _FaCd_ CuT¡ ( 1oO% RaL) B¡G _ BoOt¥ (80) - 23
(Banister Area or YOUR PLACE w/ REF!!!)
LoOk!! thE best IN tHe BIZZ »-♥-» PeRFeCt ➓ ReDhEaD ♥ 1oo$ SpEcials - 20
(Kansas City, K/a/n/s/a/s CItY)
Let me be that one too make you forget all your problems... 816-882-2324 - 27
(Kansas City, kc mo, kc ks, and surrounding areas)
🍒💜♥ ((Lacey)) 🌹💋💗 [[$100 SPECIALS!]] ✨💎👑 {{BLONDE BOMBSHELL}} 💖💜�#1 WeLL Reviewed! � - 35
(Kansas City, Kansas City in/out)
I AiM †o Pl∈ 】☆_S💨M💨O💨💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥⚡ DaNgeRouS ⚡ ⚡ SKiLLs ⚡ ⚡ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ ❗❗ - 22 Hey Ge - 22
(Kansas City, Kansas City Missouri/Kansas In & Out)
🌟🌸🌟 FrEaKy FuN 🌟🌸🌟 ExOtIC pLaYmAtEs 🌟🌸 🌟 Available 24 hours!!!🌟🌸🌟ErOtIc PlaYmAtEs - 21
(Kansas City, Power&light; Waldo plaza brookside)
Sat 04 Jan