Fri 03 Jan
Your HOTEL/ Home _ Brunette _ BEAUTY _ Massage _ _ _ _ _ OUTCALL ONLY! - 27
(Kansas City, OUTCALL ONLY)
💋🍭🍭SweeT n Pretty🍭💋🍦ThiCk n CreAmY🍦🍦 SuPer TiGhT👌 MuSt B RiGhT💋👌 INcall ReaDy ☎ NOW💋💋 - 25
(Kansas City, Kck, overland park)
⬛️✖️⬛️R E L A X I N G DAY⬛️✖️⬛️ TaKe TiMe & UnWiNd ⬛️✖️⬛️ HiDDeN SeCrETs ⬛️✖️⬛️ (913)980-5474 ✖ - 19
(Independence Noland rd, Kansas City)
❤️🔥❤️ OuTCaLL_❤️ 🔥1 __OuTCaL ❤️ AVAILABLE No❤️ ___❤️❤️___#1 __❤️❤️❤️ ___ OuTCaLL ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️----_❤️❤️❤️ - 23
(Kansas City, ❤️🔥OutCall Only~~~~❤️🔥~~~~ALL ❤️🔥OVER❤️🔥)
CoMe & get oil RuBBeD by a seXy NAKED BRuNeTTe IRISH CHiCK✅ ✚ MuTuAL TouCH✅ & BoDY2BoDY✅ = $80 HOUR❣ - 34
▉░▉✅✅✅ GRAND OPENING__ NEW GORGEOUS & Happy heaven massage —913-390-0008 ★⏝★ —— - 25
(810 N Ridgeview Rd Olathe KS, Kansas City)
•★• F*UCKIN ·★• SWEETEST •★• PrETTiest •★• HAWAiiAN Princess •★• - 22
(Kansas City, NKC INCALL 100HH)
🐞SEXY Irish BrUnEttE w/NiCe @ss🐞 ➮➮➮ 🌹ALL NuDE 🌹➮➮➮ MuTuaL TouCH! {$80 FULL HOUR bOdy2boDy RUB} - 34
MASSAGE TO GO-GO ... new metro professional HOTEL outcall massage service ... ZOOM ZOOM!! - 44
(Kansas City)
█♥█ Pretty Asian Relaxzation therapist █♥█ CALL;816-335-7688 - 100
Daisy Dukes Highly Reviewed. Specials call 816-204-1685 - 30
(Kansas City, South KC Grandview private residence)
Thu 02 Jan
tried the rest now com see the in town lunch specials from 11 till 2 call 816-527 7939 - 25
(Kansas City, kc)
***~~*** Want Some *~* Come Get Some *~* Let This White Girl Show You *~* How Its Done ***~~*** - 25
(Kansas City, Johnson County)
◤▲◥To Touch Is To Feel...Let's Get Together on Mutual Monday And Stimulate Eachother!!!◤▲◥ - 38
(Kansas City, Village West)
* '',, ' ',, '' ,, '' ,, '',, Treat Yourself To A Massage ,, '' ,, ' ' ,, '' Now doing Out calls! - 26
(Kansas City, Out-call)
You're in luck! A voluptuous woman is waiting to massage you! Come get it! - 23
(South of Kansas City, MO)
Upscale Outcall Massage Service ... for the frazzled & exhausted professional! - 42
(Kansas City, Kansas City / Overland Park)
Tina Marie BACK In ACTION 24/7 IN & OUT call 816-651-8186 BLONDE & BUSTIE - 25
(Kansas City, IN & OUT ANYWHERE YOU WANT :))
That MAGIC In Your PANTS Is Making Me *BLUSH,* and Your BREATH Between My HIPS Is Making Me *GUSH*!! - 34
(Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri)
✘ X ✘ Exotic Expressions ⭐ Genuine Compassion & Kink ✘ X ✘ - 36
(816.335.8932 In • Out to Mo, Kansas City)
!!! Tai Sun Massage New Young Girl !!!$49.99!!! (913) 200-8501 - 37
(Kansas City, 1837 S Ridgeview Rd, Olathe, KS 66062)
She Shivered In The Chair, H¦ps Thrusting As Her Ju¦ce Ran Between Her F¦ngers, Drenching Her Th¦ghs - 34
(Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri)
💖💖💖💖💖💖💖Yi Massage💖💖💖💖BODYWORK OF UR DREAM 💖💖💖💖Friendly Staff💖💖💖💖Great Massage💖💖 - 27
(12839 W 87th St Pkwy Lenexa 913-201-3467, Kansas City)
SeXy Je$$ie BACK In ACTION 24/7 IN & OUT call 816-337-9520 BLONDE & BUSTIE - 25
(Kansas City, IN & OUT ANYWHERE YOU WANT :))
☆★☆ Unique Here...New number temporarily 816-730-5459 ☆★☆ - 29
(Kansas City, North Kansas City (Armour rd.))
Sweet Dreams everlasting gose on INN CALL ONLY hh100 fh150 Kennedi RoSay - 28
(350 hwy & Blueridge blv., Kansas City)
To Touch Is To Feel...Let's Get Together And Stimulate Eachother!!! - 38
(Kansas City, Village West)
⇖⇗! $ Special⇙⇘ ⇖⇗⇙⇘ 💯% ReAL JuGG's ⇖⇗⇙⇘ ThAt JiGGLe ⇙⇘ ⇖⇗ & HiP'S ThAt WiGGLe💜Y .⇗T.⇙G.⇘F. ⇖E.⇗💜 - - 34
(Kansas City, Private Incall & Upscale Outcall--)
Speedway.Available NOW ,Mature , beautiful , petite, 9137015797,IN/OUT calls - 45
(Kansas City, KCK ,kcmo)
☆SANTAS ☆ °´•♬STARRº♬♩ ´° ☆ SPECIALS ☆ °´•BESTT♬♩ ☆BOoBIEs ☆ °´•♬°´♪º♬♩ ´° ☆in NORTH KC MO - 22
(Kansas City, `*•.☆ Northkc(70 SPECIAL) Casinos ☆•`*•)
▂ ◆♥ SEXY&B; U S T Y ♥◆ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ♡ CURVACEOUS ♡ █ ▇ ▆ 816*210*7518 - 25
(Kansas City, down town kc mid town)
------------ * * * RELAXING GODDESS MASSAGE* * * --------------- - 25
(Kansas City, SKC off 71 & Blue Ridge exit)
PINK Kink & Kisses ❦ X Rated ₩.€.₮ Willing & Ready to satisfy your dirtiest desires..... - 36
(Kansas City, KINKY 816.335.8932 KISSABLE)
?sinfully sweet seductress ?
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, City Location)
✧SeXy✧ 💎mature ✧ 💎 blonde✧Available Now✧ 💎 ✧Body2Body✧ 💎 ✧MUTUAL MASSAGE✧ 💎 8163889517✧ - 45
(Kansas City, Kck ledgends, downtown kci)
Tantalizing Thursday Relief with Nude Mutual Fun!! $90 Incall Special!! - 38
(Kansas City, Village West)
☀✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ☀Out of this World Full Body☀✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ raiNy dAy sPeciALs;) iN oR oUtcaLl;) - 28
(Kansas City, caLl nOw)