Mon 06 Jan
💋HOT CHiCK with HuGE & ReaL HOOTeRS & ALSO very FUN and NAUGHTY💋 🍒🍒🍒🍒 🍭$99 HH SPECIAL!🍭 - 34
(Kansas City, ♥💋KCI Airport/Tiffany Springs♥💋)
60qk* New NumBER♢👅♢ @MaZiNGly @TTr@cTiVe & PleASuReAble ♢👅♢Incall Spcl👍 - 21
((KCI Airport) incalls, Kansas City)
100$$💘 Beautiful Candi💘38 DDD💎 Blonde Ray of Sunshine🌟💎💎Try my NeW CaNdy 💋 - 29
(Kansas City, KCI Airport/Zona Rosa/Discreet Incall)
* * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ * * SPECIAL - SPECIAL - SPECIAL * * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ * * * * * * * - 20
(Kansas City, KCI Airport Special - near Barry Rd)
☆☆"(Keep Feeling) Fascination..."☆☆ (Love Those 80's Tunes!!) Serving: ☆☆MARRIED☆☆NO TXTS, Plez - 52
(Kansas City, KC NORTH, St. Louis)
💝 Guys...Your Girl Nikki Is Back And Hotter Than Ever💝 - 34
(Kansas City, North Kansas City Area( KCI Airport))
✰B0dY Rub by a preTTy IRiSH chicK with a verY nice rAcK✰⇉⇉⇉❖{$100 HouR SPECIAL}❖ - 34
▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥SWEET ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ ADDiCTiNG ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ SiMPLY GORGEOUS♥ - 23
(Kansas City, _____ KCi Airport ♥ _____)
〖SUPER δ℮Χï〗➽〖BiG tits〗➽〖curvy HiPs〗➽〖soFt LiPs〗➽〖kinda kinKy〗➽〖cuTe〗➽〖$99 INCALL〗➽〖$150 OUTCALL〗 - 34
(Kansas City, Tiffany Springs! KCI Airport! Zona Rosa!)
SPECIALS TILL 6 PM🌺 Amazing Mouth ...15min. 70 🌺 30min..100 🌺 1fh.170.. - 31
(Kansas City, near kci airport incalls)
【SUPER SEXY ➬•➫•➮ BiG Tit's ➬•➫•➮ curvy HIP's ➬•➫•➮luscious LIPS ➬•➫•➮ very preTTy face ➬•➫•➮$99 HH】 - 34
(Kansas City, KCI Airport/Tiffany Springs/Zona Rosa)
SPECIALS TILL 3 PM🌺 Amazing Mouth ...15min. 70 🌺 30min..100 🌺 1fh.170.. - 31
(Kansas City, near kci airport incalls)
💮SEXY ɪʀɪƨʜ HOTTIE💮🎀💮preTTy soft LIPS💮🎀💮BEAUTiFUL bOObs💮🎀💮very NAWTy💮🎀💮$99HH!💮 - 35
(Kansas City, 🗼KCI AIRPORT AREA 🗼)
💎pretty & plaYful 💟💟💟 Se✘y lil ɪʀiSʜ FREAK 💋💋💋 αvαiℓabℓε aLL dAy for $99 ❌❌❌ HH SPECIALS❣💟 - 34
(Kansas City, ❝KCI Airport/Tiffany Springs/Zona Rosa❞)
I'm YoUr Se✘y L¡TtL£ LaTe NiTe FReaK w/ big TíT's ✚ $1◯◯ íηⅭαll's SP℮CíαLS - 34
(Kansas City, KCI Airport/Tiffany Springs/Zona Rosa)
💎 💘 If it's Dirty, Kinky, Naughty or Just Plain Wrong. I WANT IT💘 75 /15min 100/30min 170/ 1fh. 💎 - 31
(Kansas City, Near KCI Airport incall)
Sun 05 Jan
☰ L € † ' § ———— T U ® N ———— ¡ T ———— U P ———— Å ———— N Õ † C H ☰ - 25
(Kansas City, KCI Airport area)
°•❤•°LOOK NO FURTHER!!! °•❤•° Come Experience The Best!! °•❤•° 80 Super Special ❤ - 22
(Kansas City, KCI Airport area)
💋вEAUtIFUL вruNNetTe IRiSH CUTie❤🍒❤BiG BroWn Bedroom Eyes❤🍒❤ALL NaTuRaL AMAZING BOOBs❤🍒❤99HH💋 - 34
(Kansas City, 《KCI Airport/TiffanySprings/Barry Rd》)
••••••► K.¡.§.§.A.B.L.€ CUTiE •••••••► ( §—W—€—€—† ••••• L—!—K—€ ••••• H—0—N—€—¥ )$80 - 22
(Kansas City, KCI Airport area)
upscale in call professional provider well reviewed and verified amazing brunette brealle - 24
(Kansas City, KCI airport area)
✅✅ VERiFiED👉👉& weLL ReViEwEd! ♡ 👈👈 Let ((ME)) B💣L💣O💣W ((U)) AwAy! 💋💕 (($100 SPECIALS!)) - 35
(Kansas City, Kci airport in/out)
veRy plaYful &cute; IRISH girl w/ample BREASTS ↳niCe @SS↴ (VERY FUN) ↱preTTy FACE↵ 〓 ❝$100HH❞ - 34
(Kansas City, KCI Airport/Tiffany Springs/Zona Rosa)
T 💞🎀💞⇖✘⇗ BrAnD NeW PiCS! ⇖✘⇗ 💞🎀💞 PETITE 💎BLONDE 💎BOMBSHELL💎 💞🎀💞 - 35
(Kansas City, KCI AIRPORT / BARRY RD / Zona Rosa)
⎝S℮xϒ& wiLD⎠ ➧➧➧ ⎝NiCe Ra₵K& very NAWTY⎠ ➧➧➧ ⎝Dirtϒ cUrvϒ& PeRVeRTeD⎠➧➧➧ ⎝KinKy FREAK⎠ ➧➧➧ ⎝$99HH⎠ - 34
(Kansas City, ✈KCI Airport✈Tiffany Springs✈Zona Rosa✈)
[ s w e e t ] ___________ [ SEXXY ] ___________ &&& __________ [ a d d i c t i v e ] - 22
(Kansas City, [________ KCI ♥ Airport ________])
↯SeXϒ & wiLD↯❤↯ROUND BoTToM↯❤↯NiCE RacK & very NAWTY↯❤↯Dirtϒ cUrvϒ& PeRVeRTeD↯ up Late! ❣$99HH❣ - 34
(Kansas City, ❥KCI Airport/TiffanySprings/Zona Rosa❥)
ღʜoτ chicKღ ➝ ღbiG τitsღ ➝ ღsoft LíPsღ ➝ ღɪʀɪsʜღ ➝ ღRoUND BoTToMღ ➝ ღfrEAkyღ ➝ ღvery cuteღ ➝ ღ$99HHღ - 34
(Kansas City, 🎈AIRPORT/Zona Rosa/Tiffany Springs🎈)
New!! Gorgeous Brunette!! ITS REALLY ME!! Dont miss out. "Incall Special!!" $$100hh $$200fh - 18
(Kansas City, Kci Airport. NW Plaza Circle Dr)
•••► LeT ME BE YouR SeXY SeCrET ▀▄▀▄▀ I DO IT THE BEST ▀▄▀▄▀ $100 - 25
(Kansas City, KCI Airport area)
Last day specials. Sweet Southern Hottie. 15min. 70 🌺 30min. 100 🌺 1fh. 170 - 31
(Kansas City, near airport kci incall)
║█║★≋ Hot Blonde Bombshell!! ►►(( Early AM SPECIALS! )) ◄◄ HoT JuiCY bOOtY! ★ ║█║ - 32
(Kansas City, KCI AIRPORT , Zona Rosa IN/OUT)
E_V_E_R_Y __________ • M_A_N_S • __________ ♥ F_A_N_T_A_S_Y ♥ ! ________ LAST DAY!!! - 23
(Kansas City, KCi Airport)
HUMP DAY SPECIALS ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥SWEET ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ ADDiCTiNG ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ SiMPLY GORGEOUS♥ - 23
(Kansas City, _____ KCi Airport ♥ _____)
______________ I _________ AM __________ BEAUTIFUL ________ & SEXY ___________ - 35
(Kansas City, NORTH / AIRPORT KCI)
• ♥ • ! CERT!F!ED ! BaD! • ♥ •' BEAUT!FUL N DEL!CIOUS!!! SeXY H@WA!ANN G!NeER 36DDd - 24
✖ █ ==== BAD GIRL ==== █ ✖ SUPER BUSTY Dominican bombshell - 23
(Kansas City, Incall all day/night KCI AIRPORT)
💫🎀💄👠💖 💎Beautiful 💎blonde💎 BeAutY! 100 SPECIALS!!💎💫💖👠💄😘 (JOCO LOCATION!) - 34
(Kansas City, Kansas City / JoCo IN/OUT)
💫🎀💄👠💖 💎Beautiful 💎blonde💎 BeAutY! Early AM SPECIALS!!💎💫💖👠💄😘 - 34
(Kansas City, Kansas city / KCI Airport / Barry Rd)
(( $100 SPECIALS! )) ▒ ╠╣OT █▒ NEW ▒▒█ ♥S—E— X—Y ♥█▒ BLONDE █▒ █▒ BOMBSHELL █▒ 100% Real Pics! - 32
(Kansas City, KCI AIRPORT IN/OUT!)
40/80HH/160HR 💋Let me show you true pleasure💋 💥INCALLS ONLY💥 - 22
(Kansas City, KCI Airport /INCALLS ONLY)
✨❝100%k¡Nk¥ CUTiE❞ ✦ ❝prEtty LiPs❞ ✦ ❝SoFT round BooTy❞ ✦ ❝HuGE bOObie'S❞ ✦ ❝$99 iNcALLS❞✨ - 34
(Kansas City, ♥KCI Airport/TiffanySprings/Zona Rosa♥)
100 SPECIALS! 💋 sexXy hot blOnDe BoMbShEll👑❤ WELL REVIEWED! ♡ メοメο💦 - 35
(Kansas City, Kansas City in/out)
$$150$ Special💕💕NeW to KC 💕💕 Come PLAY with a Tall FuN SeNsual BLONDE💕38DD Sexy Brittany - 29
(Kansas City, KCI Airport/North KC Discreet Incall)
🎅 👿 $100 SpEcIaLS! 👿 🎅 🔸ThE BEST 👼 🎅 XMASS $100 SPECIAL in town! 🎅👼 - 35
(Kansas City, kci airport area in/out)
$150 Beautiful Blo 💕💕NeW to KC 💕💕 Come PLAY with a KiNKy FuN SeNsual BLONDE💕38DD Sexy Brittany - 29
(Kansas City, KCI Airport/North KC Discreet Incall)
1◯◯% K¡Nk¥ CUTi℮ [✔] ➩➩➩ lᗩτ℮ níτ℮ fR℮ᗩkin [✔] ➩➩➩ $1◯◯ iNcᗩLL [✔] ➩➩➩ sєxվ [✔] WiLD [✔] PLåվToվ! - 34
***1 Touch ** 1 Look ** 1 Kiss*** "My One an Only" `GOODBYE!!! ~~~ ISABELLA SKY~~~ Wed. Morning - 27
(Kansas City, KCI Airport/NW Plaza Circle Dr)
✴ {Sweet & SeXy °Skin2Skin° RUBDOWN ✙ MUTUAL TOUCH by a hot NAKED chick w/biG tiTs *$80 HOUR*} ✴ - 34
((HoT naKed chicK)) ➬•➫•➮ ((busTy BrUNNeTe)) ➬•➫•➮ ((B2B)) ➬•➫•➮ ((MuTuaL TOUCH)) ➬•➫•➮ (($80HOUR)) - 34
(Kansas City, KCI Airport IN/OUT!)
🍒💜♥ ((Lacey)) ✨💎👑 {{HoT BLONDE w bOOty!}} 💖💜�#1 WeLL Reviewed! � - 35
(Kansas City, Kci airport in/out)
* @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * BODY TO BODY AIRPORT SPECIAL * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * - 20
(Kansas City, KCI Airport - near Barry Rd)
❣❣!¡ʜᎧτ chicK!¡ ★ !¡busTy BrUNNeTe¡! ★ !¡aLL NuDE!¡ ✫ !¡B2b!¡ ★ !¡MuTuaL RuB!¡ ★ !¡$80 HOUR!¡❣❣ - 34
(Kansas City, 《KCI Airport/TiffanySprings/Barry Rd》)
↯SeXϒ & wiLD↯❤↯ROUND BoTToM↯❤↯NiCE RacK & very NAWTY↯❤↯Dirtϒ cUrvϒ& PeRVeRTeD↯ 💕💕💕 ❣$99HH❣ - 34
(Kansas City, ✫KCI Airport/TiffanySprings/Barry Rd✫)
@ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ SNOW WHITE with BUNS OF STEELE @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ - 20
(Kansas City, KCI Airport - close to Barry Rd)
❤ Polish Ladies do it better. ❤ KCs Legend in town for the weekend. 😥😔😢😭✌ - 35
(Kansas City, Near KCI airport..)
δWeeT↬👅🍭 MOiST💦💦δK¡LLz ❣ 💋Pя℮ԵԵყ ƒαc℮💋🍑ᏰiᎶ ᏰᏫᏫᎿᎩ LᎯᎿiᏁᎯ👅💦Eχтяємℓу ᗩɖɖıƈɬı۷ɛ🍒Avαiℓαbℓeⓝⓞⓦ - - 23
(Incall(KCI-AIRPORT) ONLY, Kansas City)
TODAY ONLY Sweet Southern Hottie. 👄 15min. 65 👄 30min. 100👄 1fh .160 - 31
(Kansas City, near airport kci incall)
▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥SWEET ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ ADDiCTiNG ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ SiMPLY GORGEOUS♥ - 23
(Kansas City, _____ KCi Airport ♥ _____)
Naughty Hottie🌟 15min.80 30min. 100 1fh. 170 Near Airport. - 31
(Kansas City, near airport KCI Incall)
MATURE VERY ATTRACTIVE World Class Escort In Kansas City Missouri and Overland Park KS 816-237-8808 - 40
(Kansas City MO, Overland Park KS + Burbs)
★L✪✪K➜✪★((PRETTY BlonDE)) ((SEXY CuRvES)☞((❤ThiCK bOOtY❤) (★★ ➜❤100 SPECIALS)★ - 32
(Kansas City, Tiffany Springs / KCI Airport / Zona)
Sat 04 Jan
☆* Q_U_ _L_! _F_i_€ _D * ☆* ( †O L€ÂV€ U ) *☆* §_ _†_i_S _F_!_€ _D *☆*/ - 25
(Kansas City, KCI Airport area)
VISITING NOW!!! (Friday and Saturday) ** Vanity ** call NOW... 316-806-2190 - 29
(Kansas City, KCI airport)
TODAY ONLY Sweet Southern Hottie. 👄 15min. 70 👄 30min. 100👄 1fh .170 - 31
(Kansas City, near airport kci incall)
💘 Tall TaN Beautiful BLoNde KLOEY 💘38 DDD💎 🌟💎💎100$ specials all eveni 💋Long Legs💋New to AREA - 31
(Kansas City, KCI Airport/Zona Rosa/Discreet Incall)
Sweet Southern Hottie. 15min. 70 🌺 30min. 100 🌺 1fh. 170 - 31
(Kansas City, near kci airport incall)
[S℮xϒ& wiLD] ➧➧➧ (NiCe Ra₵K& very NAWTY) ➧➧➧ [Dirtϒ cUrvϒ& PeRVeRTeD] ➧➧➧ (KinKy FREAK) ➧➧➧ [$99HH] - 34
(Kansas City, KCI AIRPORT / Zona Rosa IN & OUT's!)
Special till 9pm tonight 🌺 Amazing Mouth ...15min. 70 🌺 30min. 100 🌺 1fh. 160.. - 31
(Kansas City, near kci airport incall)
New!! Gorgeous Brunette!!! ITS REALLY ME!! Dont miss out. "Incall Only!!" $$125hh $$250fh - 18
(Kansas City, Kci Airport. NW Plaza Circle)
💋Im YoUr Se✘y L¡TtL£ IRISH FReaK w/ big TitS & niCe @SS💋 ❌ ❌ ❌ 💋$99 INCALL 💋$150 OUTCALL💋 - 34
(Kansas City, KCI AIRPORT IN/OUT!)
$ FuN BRAND SPANKING NEW BLONDE 💕No Rushing💕36DD💕ExOTic Blondes just want to have FuN 🏪 - 31
(Kansas City, KCI airport/, St Joseph)
DO IT BIG Or GO HOME! Mz Brown Sugar IN/Outcall Specials! - 30
(Kansas City, KC/NKC/KCI Airport & Surrounding Incall)
💋•ყ◎υɾ• ѕҽχყ • ɳҽω • Ⴆʅ◎ɳ∂ҽ • ѕҽcɾҽt•💋•Ļ·α·c·ҽ·ყ• 💋 •հҽɾҽ• tσ • Ⴆʅ◎ω• ყ◎υɾ• ოιɳ∂•💋 - 35
(Kansas City, Kansas City Airport Area in/out)
✨👄💫№➊ HoT 🍯🌟 BlOnDe w/bOOty 💣 🔥"Lacey" 💋✦❣ 💯% Real Pics! (IN/OUT SPECIALS!) - 35
(Kansas City, KCI Airport in / out's)
HOT CHICK with HUGE & ReaL HOOTERS & ALSO very FUN and NAUGHTY! 😘 😘 😘 ❝$$99HH❞ - 34
(Kansas City, Tiffany Springs! KCI Airport! Zona Rosa!)
✖ █ ==== BAD GIRL ==== █ ✖ SUPER BUSTY Dominican bombshell - 22
(Kansas City, Incall all day KCI AIRPORT (aeropuerto))