Mon 27 Jan
💥RAINY DAY SPECIAL! !💥 👄MAGICAL MOUTH! !👅call Miss Nikki727-237-3552 - 44
(Kansas City, South KC 435 & State line)
°•★•° P*— L*— E*— A*— S*— U*— R *— E • ★ • Z*— O*— N*— E*—•• °•★•° - 20
(Kansas City, 24/7 SOUTH KC, I 435)
Pure **MIDNIGHT LADY** with a Dash of NAUGHTY, 2 Tablespoon of SEXY & Bucket of CLASS - 29
(Kansas City, SOUTH 71 & 435**KANSAS CITY**)
°•★•° P*— L*— E*— A*— S*— U*— R *— E • ★ • Z*— O*— N*— E*—•• °•★•° - 19
(Kansas City, VISITING 24/7 SOUTH KC, I 435)
◆◆•★•◆ DO It YoUR WaY-! ★◆★ EnJOY A NiCE SLoW RiDE or IF U WaNT Go ALL OuT & HaMMeR DoWN-!!! ◆•★•◆◆ - 28
(Kansas City, South KCMO-- 71hwy just south 435)
💎💎💎💎Daisy Dukes💙 New LOCATION 💙 816-745-4486 💎💎💎💎💎 - 33
(Kansas City, South 435 new location ☆ Outcall)
I Am PhEnOmiNaL •°• Rub Down Of A Lifetime °• 80 •° 140 •°• PlayMate With"DD" yummy - 24
(Kansas City, South KC 435 area)
Tue 21 Jan
💘💘💘 [ SExXy NeW PicS!]💜💋HoT 'n' FrEaKy BrunEttE🔥 [[ IN/OUT SPECIAL$! ]] 🎀� 24/7! - 25
(Kansas City, South KCMO, 435 & Holmes, Overland Park)
**Sexxy Secrets you cant let go???*** Call Me!!! *100 specials* - 22 - 22
(Kansas City, South KC.. OFF I-435)
**Passionate Kisses From An Angel** Inn* Calls, 80spcls - 27
(Kansas City, South Of KC Holmes and 435)
One an only ~DESTINY STYLES~** INN &OUTCALL; SPECIALS**(816-572-3184) - 21
(Kansas City, I-70&435 SOUTH KC!! :) outcall)
((ONE)) OF-A-KiND!! ★(( N€W )) FL¡RTy (( € X o T ¡ C ❤ →FREAK← Got~The~ Softest~ Booty~Ever - - 20
(Kansas City, IN/OUT 24/7 SOUTH KC I-435 HWY 71)
New Skin :-) Beautiful College Model 24/7 :: Outcall Specials √^¶ - 21
(Kansas City, Plaza / South KC /435)
New#!!💁BIG BOOTY👍 Verified🏄SPLS 💋✊ TOTAL KnockOUT✊💋 Killer Curves😜🍎🍎 Best Mouth 👅💁 - 22
(Kansas City, south kc, kck, 435 in/ outcall kcmo)
N_O_T_H_I_N_G* _ _*L_E_S_S*_ _*T_H_A_N*_ _*T_H_E*_ _*B_E_S_T*_ ★♛ PERFECT 10 ♛ ✰WeLL ReVieWeD ✰&< - - 22
(Kansas City, south kc I-435)
Mama said there will be days like this** stunning brunette back in town** available now!!! - 19
(kansas city/ near-435 south/71hwy)
Late Night Early Morning100roses U-CALL-IT $pecial Mz Brown Sugar Thickkness! MzNewBOOTY! - 30
(Kansas City, I-435 & 87th Street South KC Stateline)
*INCALL SpEcIaL* SO CuTe, SoFT & CuRvY {{ I WiLL Do WhaT U WanT Me To!! }} *MoRnInG SPeCiALZ - 19
(Kansas City, 435-South)
👍Im Back😘 Your Thick PROVIDER🎊 No Other Girl Compares ❌❌ Top Quality💋 150%Real Thick & YUMMY💋 - 22
(Kansas City, south kc, 87th, 435 south in/out kcmo)
IT's CoLD OuTSiDe-!!!- U WiLL FeeL THe BLoOiN HeAT B4 U EVeN CoME InSiDe MY HoT WaLLs-!!!.. AA OK-!! - 27
(Kansas City, South KC- ,I-435 & 71hwy)
I'm a 'GENIE' in a bottle "Baby! come, come, come let me out!... *INCALL ONLY* - 27
(Kansas City, South Of KC Holmes and 435)
★HorNy ☆SpinNer 💘💘 DRIPPING ★OpEn MindeD ☆ ExPeRiEnCed• SeXy •EbONYBoMbShEll💘💘• - 25
(IN/OUT South KC/I-435, Kansas City)
***Hot BLOODED Italian *** "HEAT up the NIGHT with her WARMTH" TOMORROW last CHANCE special' IN/OUT - 29
(Kansas City, HWY 71 & 435 ** SOUTH*KANSAS CITY*MO)
***Hot BLOODED Italian *** "HEAT up the NIGHT with her WARMTH" *** **HH60**FH 100** INN CALL ONLY - 29
(Kansas City, SOUTH 71 & 435**KANSAS CITY**)
▒ FRIDAY SPLS▒ CLASSY ♡█ ❤ S£XY ▓▒░ *❤.•* GORG£OUS *•.❤* ░▒▓❤DISCREET ❤ ▓▒ - 25
(Kansas City, South KCMO, 435 & Holmes, Overland Park)
◆•★•◆ DO It YoUR WaY-! ★★ EnJOY A NiCE SLoW RiDE or U CaN PuT THe HaMMeR DoWN-! ★★ AA/BM OK ToO◆•★•◆ - 28
(Kansas City, South KCMO-- 71hwy just south 435)
DANGEROUSLY DELICIOUS Last Chance Leaving "FrIdAy MoRnIn" **SPECIALS!!! 4 BOTH INN or 0ut hh80 fh150 - 28
Delicious sweet Italian TWIST!!! "Isabella Sky" (Verified) Incall hh80 fh130 ** Outcall hh100 fh150 - 29
(Kansas City, 435 & HOLMES SOUTH K.C)
*** Come __ Get __ A __ Dose __ O f__ My __ Med ***$80 SPECIAL Only TODAY - 27
(Kansas City, South Of Holmes and 435)
👑Cali 💖 Kay Your FAV. Ebony 💖 Playmate ❌❌No Other Girl Compares 2 👑 The REAL 💖 DEAL💯👑 - 22
(Kansas City, south kc, kck, 435 in/ outcall kcmo)
❤*¨¨*° C° L° A° S° S° Yღ° B° R° U° N° E° T° T° E*¨¨* ❤ - 20
(kansas city/ south 435 incall outcall)
BUbbLE BooTY & I KNOW Just How 2 THroW IT!!!★█ 70 SPEC!AL ▆ ComE Get ThIS Mixxed AZZ BooTY - 22
(Kansas City, South Kansas city 435 in/out 24/7☆)
Big nips and Big Boobs mutual Specials 100% kissing included 785-580-7273 - 39
(435 SOUTH, Kansas City)
Big nips and Big Boobs EARLY and Lunch Specials 100% kissing included 785-580-7273 - 39
(435 SOUTH, Kansas City)
☆☆☆ Attention!!!! SEXY, HOT, FuN SiZE TREAT☆☆☆ In & OUTCALLS Avail Now!!! Let's Play Daddy☆☆☆ - 25 - 25
(Kansas City, South KCMO, 435 & Holmes, Overland Park)
☆ Aspen ❤ █ ( InCall ☎ Special ) ### **** !!!!! REAL PICS!!!! ~~~ *** - 20
(Kansas City, South KC / Plaza / i 435 /)
▊▊▊▊▊▊ASIANS ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ NURU B2B▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ FRENCH KISS▊▊▊▊▊▊▊MORE ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊9167546013 - 21
(Kansas City)
Available Now♥JuICY BOoTY SeXY THICk LATInA MixXEd☆80 Visiting - 22
(Kansas City, ♥♡♥☆★SOUTH 435 in/out 24/7 80special)
💥ASK ABOUT MY SPECIALS! !💥 👄MAGICAL MOUTH! !👅call Miss Nikki727-237-3552 - 44
(Kansas City, South KC 435 & State line)
Are You A GIANT Or An Patriot ? Super Monday Specials ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ - 21
(Kansas City, 435 South Visiting - I'mmmmmmmm Baaaaack)
A true beach babe from MIAMI*** attractive / addictive and available now*** specials!!!! - 19
(kansas city / I-435 south area in-out)
$80specials BBW Native American FrEaKy To The CoRe! HoTTie* YoUr DiRtY LiTtLe SeCret - 19
(Kansas City, South kc Mo (S I-435))
☆ AddiCtiVe LaTiN BeAuTy☆ SuPeR SeXy❤❤eXoTiC ViXeN❤❤WaiTiNG oN YOU - 20
(Kansas City, INCALLS ONLY 24/7 SOUTH KC I-435, 71HWY)
💥$25 off SPECIAL! !💥 👄MAGICAL MOUTH! !👅call Miss Nikki727-237-3552 - 44
(Kansas City, South KC 435 & State line)
🆕💎80 Stop&Go;{INCALL ONLY}NyC Bombshell SKY is Back, are you READY4 NAUGHTY ME? 💋91864483^65 - 20
(Kansas City, South Kansas City, 435 Highway)
$150 IN Call special $150 In Call Special Sonia (402)706-6838 - 23
(Kansas City, South Kansas MO (near I-435))
$100 IN Call special $100 In Call Special Sonia (402)679-5191 - 21
(Kansas City, South Kansas MO (near I-435))
№.1 ☝ IN E V E R Y ☝ W A Y - 22
(Kansas City, W 435 Redbridge/Wornall/ South Kc)
***The Sensation of a Heavenly*** MYSTERIOUS BLISS!!! "Isabella Sky" INN CALL'S ONLY!!! - 28
(Kansas City, South Kansas City 435 & Holmes)
Secret thursday come tell Wanted & Desired ur little secrets 816-210-7518 *** 30min special 65 roses - 25
(Kansas City, South kc 435 & 87th)
Our TIME is like a RACING FIRE Full of HEAT & DESIRE INN & OUT call - 29
(Kansas City, 435 & HOLMES SOUTH K.C)
45hhr № ➊ _ €xの†!c _ TÕ€ CUrL¡NG _ §P¡N€ T¡NGL¡NG _ x.X.x. €xP€®¡€NC€ _ Moca 816 288 9044 - 26
(Kansas City, South KC/435/Bannister/Incall)
Sun 12 Jan
Leaving "MONDAY" at "NOON" Dangerously Delicious~ SWEET Italian TWIST Special $80 INN CALL'S ONLY!!! - 28
(Kansas City, SOUTH KC 435 & HOLMES)
Sat 11 Jan
"LAST WEEK" Leaving SUNDAY Dangerously Delicious~ SWEET Italian TWIST Special $80 INN CALL'S ONLY!!! - 28
(Kansas City, SOUTH KC 435 & HOLMES)
Wed 08 Jan
🍰🍰Something Sweet B4 Work💠Spls👍 DNT MISS OUT🍰 - 22
(i70east indepenence, 435 south in/out, Kansas City)
🍒💦SeXc Eb⭕nY b💣mbShELL💥 d⭕wn T0 💫EaRTh n ⭕pEn-mindEd👅 SEdUcTRESS!!! - 21
(435 n Metcalf (incalls ONLY), Kansas City)
Tue 07 Jan
*Isabella Sky* RUBING out the UNIVERSE ~~~~~INN 80,100 *** OUT 100,150 CALL 24/7 NEW# - 30
(Kansas City, KCK*KCMO SOUTH 435 & 87TH ST.)
VIDEO PROOF💯❤💋💞ToP OF ThE LinE ((Verified))👍Simply TheE BesT✅ See Y They Crave More🍬🍯🍦💞💋 - 21
(Kansas City, 435 south, i70east incall / outcall)
Mon 06 Jan
°•★•° P*— L*— E*— A*— S*— U*— R *— E • ★ • Z*— O*— N*— E*—•• °•★•° - 19
(Kansas City, VISITING 24/7 SOUTH KC, I 435)
💋💟❤ I AIM 💁 TO PLEASE 👍 Never Tease 🙌 80 😉 Chocolate THICK Bombshell 🍫 Hot Body🔥🔥 - 22
(Kansas City, south kc, 435 south , 87th in/out)
*❤*_ YOU WILL LOVE ME *❤* _ I DO IT BEST *❤* _ A V A i L A B L E _ N 0 W - 23
(Kansas City, south kcmo / 435)
💋💟❤ I AIM 💁 TO PLEASE 👍 Never Tease 🙌 80 😉 Chocolate THICK Bombshell 🍫 Hot Body🔥🔥 - 22
(Kansas City, south kc, 435 south , 87th in/out)
Delicious sweet Italian TWIST! ! ! "ISABELLA SKY" (Verified) New# outcalls only 24/7 - 29
(Kansas City, 435 & HOLMES SOUTH K.C)
Come see me for unforgettable timeI Am What You Have Been Missing💋 Don't even waste Your time Looki - 21
(Kansas City, 435/south)
Midnight Lady Take A Ride With **Isabella Sky** Over The Moon !!! **INN FH100**OUT FH 150** - 29
(Kansas City, SOUTH 71 & 435**KANSAS CITY**)
New#💖 Beautiful Cali Kay((Video PROOF)) Spoil Yourself😜 With real Safe beauty💖 - 22
(63rd raytown, 87th, 435 south in/out, Kansas City)