Mon 27 Jan
Incall specials .....North of the plaza ...80 full body ...after 5 pm ... - 35
(Kansas City, Kansas city Metro)
🐞SEXY IRISH BrUnEttE w/NiCe @ss🐞 ➮➮➮ 🌹ALL NuDE 🌹 ➽➽➽ MuTuaL TouCH! {$80 FULL HOUR bOdy2boDy RUB} - 34
(Kansas City, Village West/Hollywood Legends/Racetrack)
HI☎ call me now SEXy, Blonde and FUN!!! 816-651-8186 I LIKE TO HAVE FUN ***24/7** - 25
(incall downtown kc mo, Kansas City)
HI call me now SEXy, Blonde and FUN!!! 816-678-2525 I LIKE TO HAVE FUN ***24/7*** - 25
(DOWNTOWN or NKC incall, Kansas City)
🌷HoT & SeXϒ Busτy BruNeTTe available for BoDϒ RuB RIGHT NOW 💮💮💮 $100 @LL NuDE FuLL boDy RUB!🌷 - 34
(Kansas City, ❢Legends/Speedway IN & OUT❢)
HI☎ call me now SEXy, Blonde and FUN!!! 816-977-4131* I LIKE TO HAVE FUN ***24/7** - 25
(incall downtown kc mo, Kansas City)
fun sexy and very skilled call now 816-678-2525 - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)
BUSTY BLONDE Adult LOOKING for a consensual Adult Male ♡♡ in and out call 24/7 Body rubs & MORE☆ - 25
(Kansas City, incall north kc & downtown)
Tue 21 Jan
Special's 2Day CHECK Me Out SEXY CurvY BLONDE :-) BODY rubs & MORE! 816-678-2525 - 28
(incall north kc & downtown, Kansas City)
Warm up with me Wednesday $$ 99 Notty NURSE Big Boob specials 816-977-8774 - 35
(Kansas City, near downtown- private incall)
SexY cuRvy BloNde call NOW 816-678-2525 - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)
Sexy💋flirty💄Happy💎#Miss FANCY FUN!! Call Now 816-793-2061👀 💘 my Job available 24/7 - 25
(Downtown INCALL! out call also available, Kansas City)
**The SENSATION of **Sweet ITALIAN Twist** Inncall ONLY Leaving Thursday - 27
(Kansas City, Westport / Downtown Area Incall Only)
Special's 2Day CHECK Me Out SEXY CurvY BLONDE :-) BODY rubs & MORE! 816-719-7621 - 28
(Kansas City, incall north kc & downtown)
Sexy💋flirty💄Happy💎#Miss FANCY FUN!! Call Now 816-372-1257 👀 💘 my Job available 24/7 - 25
(Downtown area or north area incall 24/7, Kansas City)
North Incall or downtown incall Blonde & Busty lets have FUN call NOW #Miss FANCY FUN!! 816-977-4131 - 25
(Downtown or Gladstone incall out availab, Kansas City)
New Pixs FANCY 🍌🍒 Blonde & Bustie FUN 24/7 Call NOW 816-977-4131🎯 - 25
(Downtown incall 💋 outcall available, Kansas City)
🌞Lets hangout blonde and busty ==816-651-8186 in & outcall == 24/7 - 25
(downtown incall outcall available, Kansas City)
New Pixs FANCY 🍌🍒 Blonde & Bustie FUN 24/7 Call NOW 816-651-8186🎯 - 25
(Downtown incall 💋 outcall available, Kansas City)
💋Lets hangout Blonde & Busty #I know HOW to RUB IT OUT!! Call me 816-651-8186 incall 24/7 - 26
(Downtown incall 24/7, Kansas City)
Lovely Ashley Monroe Highly Reviewed Visiting Kansas City,MO Feb 15-16, Dont miss me! - 24
(Downtown Incall Prebook Now, Kansas City)
★New!! Come Relax w/ me! Pretty Face ♥♡ All Natural ~xoxoxoxxo - 19
(Kansas City, Residential incall near downtown)
I'm awake call now and Let's have some extra FUN! SexY cuRvy BloNde call NOW 816-988-1777 - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)
#,Miss FANCY FUN! 🍌🍒 Blonde & Bustie FUN 24/7 Call NOW 816-651-8186🎯 - 26
(Downtown incall 💋 outcall available, Kansas City)
🌞Lets hangout blonde and busty ==816-977-4131 in & outcall == 24/7 - 25
(downtown incall outcall available, Kansas City)
★❣HoT & SeXy NAKED brUNeTTe w/ biG tiTs ✚ Body2Body RuBDoWN ✚ MUTUAL MASSAGE ✚ $80HOUR❣★ - 34
HI call me now $EXy, Blonde and FUN!!! 816-977-4131 I LIKE TO HAVE FUN ***24/7**** - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)
💋Lets hangout Blonde & Busty #I know HOW to RUB IT OUT!! Call me 816-977-4131incall 24/7 - 26
(Downtown incall 24/7, Kansas City)
🌞Lets hangout blonde and busty ==816-977-4131 in & outcall == 24/7 - 25
(downtown incall outcall available, Kansas City)
'I'm awake! #Let's have $ome extra FUN! SexY cuRvy BloNde NOW 816-977-4131 - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)
HI call me now SEXy, Blonde and FUN!!! 816-678-2525 I LIKE TO HAVE FUN ***24/7*** - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)
✧HoT & SeXy✧ 💎 ✧NAKED brUNeTTe✧ 💎 ✧biG tiTs✧ 💎 ✧Body2Body✧ 💎 ✧MUTUAL MASSAGE✧ 💎 ✧$80 HOUR✧ - 34
BUSTY BLONDE conseunual Adult LOOKING for a male conseunual Adult ♡♡ in and out call 24/7 - 25
(Kansas City, incall north kc & downtown)
* BoDyRuB* by a verY preTTy girl with a verY nice rAcK !! ~_____ ($100 Hour InCall Special!) - 31
(Kansas City, Westport InCall's)
BUSTY BLONDE conseunual Adult LOOKING for a male conseunual Adult ♡♡ in and out call 24/7 - 25
(Kansas City, incall north kc & downtown)
💋 816-793-2061 call now! Lets hangout Blonde & Busty Call me 816-793-2061 incall 24/7 - 26
(Downtown incall 24/7, Kansas City)
Tue 07 Jan
specials today HI call me now SEXy, Blonde and FUN!!! 816-678-2525 I LIKE TO HAVE FUN ***24/7*** - 25
(DOWNTOWN or NKC incall, Kansas City)
Mon 06 Jan
'I'm awake Let's have some extra FUN! SexY cuRvy BloNde NOW 816-977-4131 - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)
💋Lets hangout Blonde & Busty #I know HOW to RUB IT OUT!! Call me 816-469-1783 incall 24/7 - 26
(Downtown incall 24/7, Kansas City)
HI call me now SEXy, Blonde and FUN!!! 816-678-2525 I LIKE TO HAVE FUN 24/7 - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)
☆[ Âb§OLut€Ly ]══ ☆° ══[ ÂmÂzInG☆] ═[BLONDE] Loves 2 Kiss & CUDDLE* 913-475-5300 - 26
(Kansas City, private incall- near downtown)
HI call me now SEXy, Blonde and FUN!!! 816-678-2525 I LIKE TO HAVE FUN ***24/7*** - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)
BUSTY BLONDE conseunual Adult LOOKING for a male conseunual Adult ♡♡ in and out call 24/7 - 25
(Kansas City, incall north kc & downtown)
Sun 05 Jan
HI call me now SEXy, Blonde and FUN!!! 816-988-1777 I LIKE TO HAVE FUN ***24/7** - 25
(Downtown incall Out call a available, Kansas City)
'I'm awake! # special today only! SexY cuRvy BloNde NOW 816-977-4131 - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)
I'm awake Let's have some extra FUN! SexY cuRvy BloNde out call available 2day call NOW 816-977-4131 - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)
Hot Fully Nude body Rub by Hot chick with big TiTS! __________($100 HOUR Special) - 34
(Kansas City, Downtown Incall's *Outcall's)
Daisy Dukes! KC's Sweetheart 💋💋 $100 INCALL SPECIALS - 30
(Kansas City, Incall SOUTH or HWY 70 DOWNTOWN)
$$$ 99 or 150 vip TastyTuesday with Notty NURSE Big Boob specials 816-977-8774 - 35
(Kansas City, near downtown- private incall)
Special's 2Day CHECK Me Out SEXY CurvY BLONDE :-) BODY rubs & MORE! 816-678-2525 - 28
(incall north kc & downtown, Kansas City)
Sat 04 Jan
Sexy💋flirty💄Happy💎#Miss FANCY FUN!! Call Now 816-977-4131👀 💘 my Job available 24/7 - 25
(Downtown area or north area incall 24/7, Kansas City)
(¯`'.¸ 7Oh ¸.'´¯) Get Down with SeXy Sidney. . . Soccer Mom ! (¯`'.¸ 7Oh ¸.'´¯) - 32
(Kansas City, incall)
come have fun with ME all day and night 24/7 CALL NOW 816-678-2525 - 25
(DOWNTOWN or NKC incall, Kansas City)
Fri 03 Jan
sexy fun and has many many skills! 816-678-2525 - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)
Irresistibly Sensual Erotic Rub $100 Incall/Outcall Special - 31
(Kansas City, Downtown Incall/ Outcall)
🐞SEXY Irish BrUnEttE w/NiCe @ss🐞 ➮➮➮ 🌹ALL NuDE 🌹➮➮➮ MuTuaL TouCH! {$80 FULL HOUR bOdy2boDy RUB} - 34
Thu 02 Jan
New Pixs FANCY 🍌🍒 Blonde & Bustie FUN 24/7 Call NOW new # 816-793-2061🎯 - 26
(Downtown Area or north area incall 24/7, Kansas City)
Sexy💋flirty💄Happy💎#Miss FANCY FUN!! Call Now 816-977-4131 👀 💘 my Job available 24/7 - 25
(Downtown INCALL! out call also available, Kansas City)
fun sexy and very skilled call now 816-678-2525 - 25
(Downtown&NKC; incall Outcall within 30min, Kansas City)