Mon 27 Jan
❤❤CoME PuT UR BaT & BaLLS To USe & MaKE Me HoLLer & SCReaM WHeN YoU CoME ACRosS My HoME PLaTe-!!!❤❤ - 28
(Kansas City, MINUTES FROM ANYWHERE South KC Mo & Ks-!)
CoME PuT UR BaT & BaLLS To USe & MaKE Me HoLLer & SCReaM WHeN YoU CoME ACRosS My HoME PLaTe-!!! - 28
(Kansas City, MINUTES FROM ANYWHERE South KC Mo & Ks-!)
💔 【%100 RεaL PiX】💜【WeLL Rεviεwεd】💔 【 100 δρεcial$!】💔 【 HoT BloNde w/ NicE bOOtY!】💙 - 35
(Joco area in / out's, Kansas City)
1⃣ oF A KiND BlONDE BeAuTy ! 💋 "Lacey" 💋 (WELL REVIEWED!) 💛 ThiCk bOOtY! 💜 😋 - 35
(Kansas City, Overland Park / JoCo in/out)
Tue 21 Jan
💘💘💘 [ SExXy NeW PicS!]💜💋HoT 'n' FrEaKy BrunEttE🔥 [[ IN/OUT SPECIAL$! ]] 🎀� 24/7! - 25
(Kansas City, South KCMO, 435 & Holmes, Overland Park)
⚠⛔Are you TIRED of the 🚫BAIT&SWITCH;❓Come get ⏩this⏪ %100 GRADE A KC PRIME B🅾🅾TY! #1 CHOICE! - 35
(Kansas City, Overland Park / JoCo / Kansas City)
Tue 07 Jan
🍒💜♥ ((new Pics] ✨💎👑 {{sexy BLONDE w bOOty!}} 💖💜�#1 WeLL Reviewed! � - 34
(JoCo / Overland Park, Kansas City)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan