Mon 27 Jan
Petiùte BomBshELL!《★Tasty & Intoxicating★【%100 Real PiCs】 ★【spaNKaBℓε αSS】★ - 35
(Kansas City, NORTHLAND. IN/OUT!)
*° KiLLeR *° B oDY *° ° LAST DAY SWEET - SEXY - LATINA - 24
(Kansas City, Incall NKC/airport Area Only)
Ciara Is Here!! Sexy New White Girl Ready to Please Yu. 100$ special (; Si Hablo Espanol - 20
(Kansas City, skc)
Tue 21 Jan
***SexXy & PlAyFuL BloNdE [[BRAND NEW PICS!!]] NiCE bOOtY! (($100 SPECIALS))) - 35
(Kansas City, Legends / KS Speedway)
*° KiLLeR *° B oDY *° ° REAL PiCS SWEET - SEXY - LATINA - 19
(Kansas City, Incall KCi airport/out everywhere)
▬ ✪▀▀ ( HoT BLonDE ) ▬ ✪▀▀ {{ BiG TiT$! }} ▬ ✪▀▀ ( ADDICTIVE) ▬ ✪▀▀ - 35
•• •• • •▃ ▅ ▆ █ ★ FLAWLESS ★ ———★ UNFORGETTABLE ★ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ • • • • • • • ★ UPSCALE★ - 25
(Kansas City, KCI Airport area)
Doll face Cutie With a BANG=ABLE bOOty 95hr incall - 36
(Kansas City, private discreet incall and outcall)
Available today!! It is cold outside but I have just the thing to warm you up!! - 31
(North of the river)
~2 New College Girls Gemini & Nikki Special~ - 22
***** 100 INCaLL SPeCiaLS ..... LoTS oF ouTCaLL FuN ***** - 22
(Kansas City, *IN* KCMO *OUT* EVERYWHEREr)
Sat 11 Jan
Your Fantasy Becomes A Reality With Time Spent With Me..... A Stunning Beauty !!!! - 20
(Kansas City and Surrounding Areas Incall Or Outcall ???)
Thu 09 Jan
Sexy Native American Wants to Play!!! Private Location!!! - 26
(Kansas City, I-70 and 23rd trafficway)
Wed 08 Jan
Your Fantasy Becomes A Reality With Time Spent With Me..... A Stunning Beauty !!!! - 20
(Kansas City and Surrounding Areas Incall Or Outcall ???)
Mon 06 Jan
☞☎ ☞♥** DiRtY little SECRET... SwEEt, SeXy, SO wOrTh it! **♥☜☎☜ - 25
(Kansas City, KCI Airport area)
Sun 05 Jan
*° AvAiL aBlE °* *° RiGhT °**° NoW & A-L-L N-I-G-H-T°* XoXO - 24
(Kansas City, Incall NKC/airport VERIFIED)
Sat 04 Jan
Feeling Neglected?? Let Me B The One 2 ✘✘✘ PAMPER You! I'm GOOD 2 The Last DROP! 100 and 150 - 38
(Kansas City, I-70 and 78th KCK (Near Legends))
[ ¿¿¿ Avaiilable ??? ] Nicky ! Just Viisiitiing •°•°•° L!!M!!TED Tiime Only °•°•°• Hott && Ready - 21
(Kansas City, in&&OUTcalls; i wilk travel to you)
Fri 03 Jan
💕💕💕 💱 🔥🔟 #1 ❤️ SexXy HoT BLONDE 🔥💱🔟 [[%1oo Real Pics!]] 💕💕💕 - 35
The best thing to do on a cold day!!! Come and let me warm you up and relieve some of your stress!!! - 31
(North of the river)
【HᎧT chicK✔⇠❥ biG TiTs✔⇠❥ wilD & sᎬXվ✔⇠❥ ɪʀɪƨʜ✔⇠❥ soft LiPs✔⇠❥ fUn✔⇠❥ frEAky✔⇠❥ cute✔⇠❥ $99HH❢】 - 34
▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ █N E W •:*:• *❤SeXy N SLiM❤•:*: *(100% R E A L)—•—▒HOTTiE▒ UltiMate PacKAge!█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ - 25
(Kansas City, KCI Airport area)
Thu 02 Jan