Mon 27 Jan
✘✖✘❝IRiSH HoTTie❞✖❤✖❝hUge HOOTers❞ ◂❥❝kiNKy freAk❞ ✖❤✖❝nice SS❞◂❥❝$100 INCALLs❞ ✘✖✘ - 34
(Kansas City, 🍒KCI Airport/TiffanySprings/Zona Rosa🍒)
Tue 21 Jan
↯SeXϒ & wiLD↯❤↯ROUND BoTToM↯❤↯NiCE RacK & very NAWTY↯❤↯Dirtϒ cUrvϒ& PeRVeRTeD↯ 💕💕💕 ❣$99HH❣ - 34
(Kansas City, ❣KCI Airport/Tiffany Springs/ZonaRosa❣)
L💮💮K ╚► ╚► ╚► ╚► BiG BOOBS ✚ NiCE @SS! ✚ SUPER NAWTY LaTeNiTe FREAK 🎈 🎈 🎈 $99HH! - 34
(Kansas City, ❝KCI Airport/Tiffany Springs/Zona Rosa❞)
🌟HOt n wiLD plAyToY w/curvy HiPs ☆ big TiTs ☆ & preTTy lips 🌠 🌠 ↯$99 INCALL or CALL 4 DELIVERY↯🌟 - 34
(Kansas City, ❝KCI Airport/Tiffany Springs/Zona Rosa❞)
**~& Sassy Classy & Alot of Fun ****. ***Body Rubs **$$$$ Specials - 34
(Kansas City, KCMO/Northland/Airport)
**~& Sassy Classy & Alot of Fun ****. ***Body Rubs **$$$$ - 33
(Kansas City, KCMO/Northland/Airport)
Fri 10 Jan
💕K¡Nk¥ CUTie w/a thicK ROUND bOOTy💕⇄💕BeDROOM eվes💕⇄💕CuRVy THíGHs💕⇄💕NiC€ RaⅭƙ💕⇄💕$99HH💕 - 34
(Kansas City, 🎈KCI Airport/Tiffany Springs/ZonaRosa🎈)
Thu 09 Jan
※!¡kinKy lil FReaK¡! 🌟 ¡!curVy SEXYbody¡! 🌟 ¡!sOo B◯◯TyLiCOuS¡! 🌟 ¡!very NaWTy¡! 🌟 ¡!$99 HH¡!※ - 34
(Kansas City, {KCI AIRPORT} [up ALL niTe])
Mon 06 Jan
**~& Sassy Classy & Alot of Fun ****. ***Body Rubs **$$$$ - 34
(Kansas City, KCMO/Northland/Airport)
Fri 03 Jan
🌟HOt n' wiLD plAyToY w/ curvy HiPs ☆ big TiTs ☆ & preTTy lips🌟 🌠 🌠 🌠 ↯$99 HH INCALL!!↯ - 34
(Kansas City, 🍒KCI Airport/TiffanySprings/Zona Rosa🍒)
**~& Sassy Classy & Alot of Fun ****. ***Body Rubs **$$$$ Specials All Day - 34
(Kansas City, KCMO/Northland/Airport)