Mon 27 Jan
!!!!! EXOTICAS & FRIENDS Relaxation !!! We're Open !EST. 12YRS. !!!! "NEW PICS" !!!!! MATURE ONLY - 99
☆♥★♡°•○●□■◆◇ F@nt@sies & Dre@ms of Ple@sure C@n C0me trUe CLicK HEre ☆♥★♡°•○●□◆◇ - 25
(Kansas City, Grandview)
∆ Daisy Dukes ∆ New pics just added ∆ 816-204-1685 - 31
(Kansas City, South KC Grandview private residence)
❤❤❤❤ CoME SeE Me FoR THe BeST STResS ReLiEF THeRe Is-!!!❤❤❤❤ YoU'LL WaNNa CoME BaCK FoR MoRE-!!!❤❤❤❤ - 28
(Kansas City, MINUTES FROM ANYWHERE South KC Mo & Ks-!)
Tue 21 Jan
💋🍭🍭SweeT n Pretty🍭💋🍦ThiCk n CreAmY🍦🍦 SuPer TiGhT👌 MuSt B RiGhT💋👌 INcall ReaDy ☎ NOW💋💋 - 25
(Grandview, Kansas City)
Touch me squeeze me let me please you.... Topless or Nude - 31
(Kansas City, Grandview, MO ( incalls))
Sexy, exotic, Independent... up late 150$ special - 23
(Kansas City, Grandview, Overland Park, Indepedence)
$SPECIALS!! Mummm! Daisy Dukes! KC's Sweetheart Grandview!!! - 30
(Kansas City, Grandview Incall & Outcall)
* Specials * Lets get the party started * - Call/Text - 510-952-7627 **Karma** - 28
(Kansas City, Kansas City South / Grandview)
Sexy & Sweet let me give you a treat.... topless or nude... - 31
(Kansas City, Grandview, MO ( incalls))
Looking for something sexy and sweet with a little treat.... Topless or Nude - 31
(Kansas City, Grandview, MO ( incalls))
IT's CoLD OuTSiDe-!!!-- SoO CoMe On & SLiDe UrSeLF InSiDE & LeT THe HeAT Of My WaLLs WaRM YoU Up-!!! - 27
(Kansas City, In/Out Calls-- ALL S outh & East KC)
◆◆◆LeT ME SQueEZe & TeASe◆◆◆RuB & TuG◆◆◆MaSSaGe & PLeASe YoUR STiFF & THRoBBiNg MuSCLe-!!!◆◆◆ - 28
(Kansas City, JUST MIN FROM MOST IN SKC Mo & Ks 435/71)
LeT Me ReLaX & PLeaSe U WiTH A FuLL NuDe BoDY RuB THaT Is GUaRanTeED U'LL CoME BaCK FoR MoRe-!!!! - 28
(Kansas City, SKC MO/KS 435 & 71hwy- BLK MEN OK TOO-!)
◆◆◆◆◆◆CoME SeE Me-!!! ◆◆◆◆◆◆IF YoU WaNT To GeT THe MoST FoR YoUR $$$$-!!! ◆◆◆◆◆◆CaLL Me NoW-!!◆◆◆◆◆◆ - 28
* Fathers Day & Sunday Funday Specials * - Call/Text - 510-952-7627 * Karma * - 28
(Kansas City, Kansas City South / Grandview)
Early Morning Special ★♥Chevelle♥★ ♠Available late and early NOW! 24-7 - 24
(Kansas City, South Kansas City/ Grandview)
!!!!! EXOTICAS & FRIENDS Relaxation !!!!!!!!! We're Open !EST. 11YRS. !!!!!!!!!!! MATURE ONLY - 80
BRAND NEW PICS!! Mummm! Daisy Dukes! KC's Sweetheart Grandview!!! - 30
(Kansas City, Grandview Incall & Outcall)
🍋❤️🍑🍯❤️🍑🍯❤️🍑🍋❤️🍑ALL NEW SWEET Ebony GIRL🌹🌹🌹 ▃ SUPER▃▃GooD▃▃MUST▃▃TRY▃ 💋❤️🍑💋❤️🍑💋❤️🍑 - 24
(Grandview, Kansas City)
★ 90hh★ ♥Sassy Chevelle♥★ (NEW PICS) 90hh ★ ALL Morning Specials Now♠IM UP NOW! 24-7 - 24
(Kansas City, South Kansas City/Grandview S71hwy)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
♥♥♥Daisy Dukes♥♥VIP ♥ Specials ♥massage therepist♥♥VIP♥♥ - 33
(Kansas City, South KC Grandview private residence)
♥♥♥Daisy Dukes♥♥VIP ♥♥massage therepist♥♥VIP♥♥ - 33
(Kansas City, South KC Grandview private residence)
Sun 05 Jan
❤ $100$ ❤,,,,,, LeT MY AMaZiNG SKiLLs-! & UnBeLiEVaBLe TaLeNTS-! MaKe YoU MeLT-!!! ,,,,,,❤ $100$ ❤ - 27
(Kansas City, SKC 435/71hwy Easy Access Safe Discrete)
Sat 04 Jan
Looking for a sexy soft treat come and join the heat....1/2 hr SPECIALS - 31
(Kansas City, Grandview, MO ( incalls))
Cold hands warm heart now let me touch your body parts..... - 31
(Kansas City, Grandview, MO ( incalls))
♥♥♥Daisy Dukes♥♥VIP ♥♥massage therepist♥♥VIP♥♥ - 33
(Kansas City, South KC Grandview private residence)
✪✪✪✪✪ ALL NEW❤❤❤❤Grand Opening Chinese Massage❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ALL NEW✪✪✪✪✪ - 23
(Kansas City, KC lee summit grandview belton)
♥♥♥Daisy Dukes♥♥VIP ♥♥massage therepist♥♥VIP♥♥ - 33
(Kansas City, South KC Grandview private residence)
Fri 03 Jan
❤(+) (+)❤, TRY MY AMaZiNG SKiLLs & UnBeLiEVaBLe TaLeNTS-!..U WiLL Be ToTaLLy SaTisFiED-!!!,❤(+) (+)❤ - 27
(Kansas City, SKC 435/71hwy Easy Access Safe Discrete)
!!!!! EXOTICAS & FRIENDS Relaxation !!!!!!!!! We're Open !EST. 11YRS. !!!!!!!!!!! MATURE ONLY - 99
Daisy Dukes Highly Reviewed. Specials call 816-204-1685 - 30
(Kansas City, South KC Grandview private residence)
Thu 02 Jan