Mon 27 Jan
Midnight Lady Take A Ride With ISABELLA SKY Over The Moon !!! **INN FH 100** OUT FH 150** 24/7 - 29
(Kansas City, SOUTH***********KANSAS CITY***********MO)
*@*Get out of the heat and into a session with this voluptuous BBW*@* - 23
(South of Kansas City, MO)
❤❤❤❤ CoME SeE Me FoR THe BeST STResS ReLiEF THeRe Is-!!!❤❤❤❤ YoU'LL WaNNa CoME BaCK FoR MoRE-!!!❤❤❤❤ - 28
(Kansas City, MINUTES FROM ANYWHERE South KC Mo & Ks-!)
Tue 21 Jan
✔️💋✔️ $super $pecial!! Enjoy Tionna's Touch!!! $uper $pecial!!✔️💋✔️ - 36
(Kansas City, South JoCo/ Greater KC)
***Start your weekend the right way w/Tionnas Touch!!!***** - 35
(Kansas City, South JoCo/ Greater KC)
*+*+*+Start this ROYALS weekend w/Tionna's Touch!!!*+*+*+* - 35
(Kansas City, South JoCo/ Greater KC)
❤🎀 PlayMate Monroe 💋 Top Quality 💋 killer Curves' 🎥 BDAY WEEKEND (X)x SKILLS 100qq - 25
(Kansas City, south KC ,mo)
◆◆◆LeT ME SQueEZe & TeASe◆◆◆RuB & TuG◆◆◆MaSSaGe & PLeASe YoUR STiFF & THRoBBiNg MuSCLe-!!!◆◆◆ - 28
(Kansas City, JUST MIN FROM MOST IN SKC Mo & Ks 435/71)
⭐Kansas City's Top Luxury 5 Star Rub⭐The Private Retreat ⭐9am-8pm Daily⭐ Book 1hr Ahead - 25
(Kansas City, Overland Park, Kansas City)
⭐🔱Kansas City's Top Luxury 5 Star Rub🔱⭐⭐The Private Retreat ⭐Book 1hr Ahead⭐ - 25
(Kansas City, Overland Park, Kansas City)
Give yourself a day off and relax with a Tantric Full Body Massage and a voluptuous woman - 23
(South of Kansas City, MO)
◆◆◆◆ CaLL ME-!!! ◆◆ To GeT THaT SPeCiAL 1-oF a KiND HoT & MoIST TReATMeNT THaT YoU WaNT-!!! ◆◆◆◆ - 28
(Kansas City, MINUTES FROM ANYWHERE South KC Mo & Ks-!)
Mon 06 Jan
*** Let's play CARPENTER 1st we get HAMMERED then u NAIL me INN CALLS!!! ONLY 24/7*** - 29
(Kansas City, SOUTH***********KANSAS CITY***********MO)
👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉 ⭐Kansas City's Top Luxury 5 Star Rub⭐The Private Retreat 👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈 - 25
(Kansas City, Overland Park, Kansas City)
*Feel like a new man in the new year with this voluptuous BBW* - 25
(Kansas City, South Kansas City, MO)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
🌹💎🌹💎🌹 T₩0 🌹💎🌹 §A§§¥ 🌹💎🌹 T₩0 🌹💎🌹 §₩EET & §EX¥ 🌹💎🌹£AD¡E§ 🌹💎🌹💎🌹 - 27
(Kansas City, South kansas city, MO)
✪✪✪✪✪ ALL NEW❤❤❤❤Grand Opening Chinese Massage❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ALL NEW✪✪✪✪✪ - 23
(Kansas City, KC lee summit grandview belton)
Fri 03 Jan
⭐🔱Kansas City's Top Luxury 5 Star Rub🔱⭐⭐The Private Retreat ⭐Book 1hr Ahead⭐ - 25
(Kansas City, Overland Park, Kansas City)
Thu 02 Jan