Sat 22 Mar
Mon 27 Jan
Feeling Neglected? Let me pamper you the way you deserve! VIP $80 Special outcall - 35
(Kansas City, Northland)
Feeling Neglected? Let me pamper you the way you deserve! Incall VIP $80 Special - 35
(Kansas City, Northland)
Feeling Neglected? Let me pamper you the way you deserve! Friday $80 book by noon - 35
(Kansas City, Northland)
☆☆◆→Come explore a side of sexy with a hint of naughty←◆☆☆Hr Special ~◆~♡ ºººº - 23
(Kansas City, South Kc.. Outcalls)
Tue 21 Jan
☆♥What's the matter? Afraid of tempation.. Dont be just give in and call♡★(816)446-0941 - 22
(Kansas City, Overland Park, Ks)
○◆☆♥What's the matter? Afraid of tempation.. Dont be just give in and call ♡★◇● (816)446-0941 - 22
(Kansas City, south kc)
Tantalizing, Sensous Massages By Charlotte Will Relieve ALL Your Stress - For WOMEN, MEN, & COUPLES! - 25
(St. Louis, West County)
Your *@@*@@*@@* Ultimate Relaxation Experience *@@*@@*@@* ..... Is Waiting .... For You!!!. - 34
(Kansas City)
***Nude Sponge Bath/Nude Full Body Rub/Fetish/BDSM & More! For Upscale Gentleman & Ladies Only***
(Ks./Mo. (State Line Suburbs))
Platinum BlOnDe__ Blue Eyes__ Long Legs°° 36D°° (816)589_4935. Chevy ((80)) Sun Special - 28
(Kansas City, in call/ outcall)
🌺🌺💖 Grand opening 🌺🌺💖Come in today 🌺🌺💖 913-313-0301________ ________ _____ - 27
(Kansas City, Olathe 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺)
♡~◆~I hAvE tAlEnTs U cAnT pUt oN a ReSuMe ***《40 ROSE》SPECIAL ~◆~♡ ºººº - 26
(Kansas City, South kc)
🌺🌺💖 Grand opening 🌺🌺💖want to relax?🌺🌺💖Come in today 🌺🌺💖 913-313-0301________ ________ _____ - 27
(Kansas City, Olathe 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺)
Feeling Neglected? Let me pamper you the way you deserve! VIP $80 Special outcall - 35
(Kansas City, Northland)
Mon 06 Jan
Your *@@*@@*@@* Ultimate Relaxation Experience *@@*@@*@@* ..... Is Waiting .... For You!!!_ - 34
(Kansas City)
Your *@@*@@*@@* Ultimate Relaxation Experience *@@*@@*@@* ..... Is Waiting ..... For You!!! - 34
(Kansas City)
Ive mastered the art of Kamasutra Enjoy a never ending ,,, Volcano ending. - 30
(airport/JOCO/ Lee summit/Ramore)
Sun 05 Jan
** Nude Sponge Bath/Nude Full Body Rub/Fetish & Much More!! For Upscale Gentleman & Ladies Only!!!** - 25
(Ks./Mo:State Line & I-435 (Very Upscale))
Sat 04 Jan
☆☆◆→SeCrEt DeSiReS lAcEd WiTh NaUgHtY pLeAsUrEs: Give or Recieve←◆☆☆Hr SPECIAL ~◆~♡ ºººº - 26
(Kansas City, south kc)
█▄█ -▄█ ██▄█ ♥$4O/6O/8O$ * CR€∆M P!E €XPLOS!ON♡ ☆★ 60L●BL0₩ ur M!ND V.I.P♡♥♡- 816-724-2300 - 28
(Kansas City, Kansas City INCALL, UP LATE!!!)
Feeling Neglected? Let me pamper you the way you deserve! Incall VIP $80 Special - 35
(Kansas City, Northland)
Fri 03 Jan
!!Busty, Sexy, Smoking Hot!! CALL ME, I will exceed your body rub fantasies!! - 34
(Kansas City, Overland park)
Thu 02 Jan